Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Jamaica Agriculture Market Information System (JAMIS) 
Legal Authority:

The national system of agricultural statistics in the country is organized and regulated under the Statistics Act of 1984. The primary statistical arm of the Jamaican Government responsible for all national statistics is the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN). This agency was established under the Statistics (Amendment) Act 1984 on April 9, 1984. The Institute was then invested with all the powers formerly vested in the Department of Statistics and previously the Bureau of Statistics (which came into existence in 1946) along with other powers. The main functions of the Institute are:
  1. to collect, compile, analyze, extract, and publish statistical information relating to commercial, industrial, social, economic, general activities and condition of the people;
  2. to collaborate with public agencies in the collection, compilation, and publication of statistical information derived from the activities of such agencies;
  3. to promote and develop integrated social and economic statistics pertaining to Jamaica and to coordinate programmes for the integration of such statistics.
The institute has a wide range of publications and reports in order to fulfill its mandate to make statistical data readily available. It also maintains a website, http://www.statinja.com , through which information and publications are available.

As it relates specifically to agricultural statistics, the main activity carried out by the Statistical Institute is the organization and execution of the Census of Agriculture. The last of which was done in 2006 and follows the usual ten-year cycle. Responsibility for most of the other areas of agricultural statistics has been delegated by the Statistical Institute to the Ministry of Agriculture. The Division within the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries given the responsibility for the collection, collation, storage, analyses, and dissemination of agricultural statistics is the Agricultural Market Information Division (AMID).

In addition to providing information for the use of internal planning for the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, AMID forms an integral part of the system of the national statistical structure and is the main provider of statistics on agriculture to the Statistical Institute as well as the Planning Institute of Jamaica. The collection of information under JAMIS is therefore done within the ambit of AMID.
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