Friday, September 20, 2024
Jamaica Agriculture Market Information System (JAMIS) 
JAMIS (Overview)
The Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Agricultural Market Information Division and the Rural Agricultural Development Authority's (RADA) Marketing arm has embarked on the collection and publication of weekly prices including;
  • Farmgate
  • Municipal markets
  • Retail
  • Wholesale
What does a Market Information System provide to the Agricultural Sector?
The primary function of JAMIS is to compile and disseminate information that will aid producers, purchasers, consumers, and distributors in the sale and purchase of agricultural commodities nationally and internationally. The provision of market information to the public and agricultural sector should ensure:
  • Price stability through informed decisions
  • Transparency in the value chain
  • Improved flow of product from producers to consumers
  • Established and encouraged the use of grades and standards in the marketing of agricultural produce


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